My Projects

Here are a few projects I've worked on.



  • Html, Css, Javascript

My calculator project is a user-friendly tool that performs basic arithmetic operations on numbers. I have designed my first calculator with help of html,css and javascript.

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Fibonacci series

  • Html, Css, Javascript

My Fibonacci series project is a user friendly tool because Fibonacci retracements can be used to determine how deep a pullback. some importance facts about my project,If you were to observe the way a plant grows new leaves, stems, and petals. you would notice that it grows in a pattern following the fibonacci sequence.


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fibonacci series

Tic Tac Toe

  • Html, Css, Javascript

My Tic Tac Toe project is traditionally played on a 3*3 grid. my goal of the project is for players to position their marks so that they made. .


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Tic Tac Toe

2024 Countdown

  • Html, Css, Javascript

My project 4 says all here's to a bright New Year and a fond farewell to the old; here's to the things that are yet to come, and to memories that we hold."Wishing you a happy, healthy New Year 2024 in advance" .


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My First framer

  • UX Project

My project 5 says small intoduction of what i am done of pepper programming AB..


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framer site

My Canvas site

  • UX Project

My project 6 says, you can try amazing ai tools of your day to day need of technology. And you can also use and sort your work in a very easy way.

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Drag N Drive

Html, Css, Js, API

  • Weather App

My project 7 says, my Weather apps enable users to get instant alerts regarding weather conditions. Weather apps are the simplest method to know about the updates of the upcoming weather.

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Flappy game

  • Html, Css, Javascript, API

My first Flappy Bird, a game that mixes incredibly simplistic and equally challenging gameplay, Flappy Bird is nothing if not harsh and addictive..

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Food Delivery App.

  • Figma site

My food delivery app gives you,it is Customer Friendly With the option to order their meals from a mobile app, they can easily place an order when they are stuck in traffic or on the way to pick up the kids. Mobile apps provide the freedom to order from any place at any time without pausing everything and making a call to the restaurant..

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My Recent Blog Posts

Do give a read to some of my blogs

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